Three important suggestions before we start
Never let anybody know u have read the book... (an exception as i am writing the review ;-D )
If it is borrowed from someone, never reveal the person's name..people generally tend to be very judgemental!!
Do not judge the book on your first read... analyze it a little longer.
Okay here we go...
Delhi, um hm by Khushwanth Singh. Its a book that chronicles the *glorious* past of Delhi, since the time it was invaded by the mughals to the time Indira Gandhi was assasinated.. The protogonist is a sardar currently having a passionate affair with..aahh.. a hijda. Each phase of delhi is put across as a autobio of the ruler of that time and after each phase the story returns to the present and back to Bhagmati(u know who)...
There is a common thread to each story, Each of which talks about a ruler who basically wanted to conquer delhi, spread Islam to the whole world(u know how ;-D ), and consider himself the best around... Nothing great ha?? But what's different from your normal history text book is that it talks a lot about each rulers sexual preferences and has a lot of dirty stuff involved in it.. Its really suprising to know that such things actually had a lot of impact (no pun intended) on what happened then and how it affected Delhi..
The book basically leaves a disgusting feeling once u read through it( I am sure some might not even want to complete the book after a couple of chapters), but the proper history part is really interesting. I mean common history in school was never put across in such an interesting manner, was it? I studied about shivaji and his great achievement all through my school life, but only when i visited daulatabad in 12th did i realize that the guy had nine wives!!! Nothing great though, but wouldn't it have added a bit of spice to history in school ;-).
Recommended ... ya maybe