Its different from all the books i have read till date. It very Indian and makes a very smooth read. It tells the story of Piyali and Kanai and their journey through the tide country of sunderbans, of Nirmal and nilima and their idealisms, of Fokir, Moyna, Kusum and Horen and their struggle for existence, of the myth of BonBibi, ShahJongli, DakhshinRai and Dukkhey and much more.
Its about each of them finding their place in the world. The history of the place, mainly Sir Hamilton's dream, the stories of the local deities, cetological details, the back stories for each character makes the book more interesting page after page.
Recommended, special when one is on a vacation or when one has lot of time to actually relish(for loss of any other word) the book!!
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