..in short MBA. Its a new book by Abhijit Bhaduri. Its on the same lines as Chetan Bhagat's Five point someone. Its based in Management Institute of Jamshedpur or MI-Jampot as Abbey, the protogonist calls it. Just like Five point, the protogonist in this one too is the average but likeable guy, someone who can't decide which among the three girls he actually loves and inspite of such huge complications in life has to somehow clear his exams and stay afloat :).
The humor though is much better compared to Five point, specially the oxymorons that Rascal Rusty, Abbey's friend, mentor, saviour etc has a hobby of collecting. Some examples being: civil-engineers, learning on the job, military intelligence, strategic planning etc.. The references to "Alps and her healthy lungs" etc etc brings out the the common indian 'male' student's lingo very well.
A total time pass paisa vasool kind of book.
Review after a long time....thanks..will want to read it. Btw..Chetan is ready with his second book
Post these books on IIT and MBA life, I too am tempted to write about the life at our engg college ! Hey..dont stop reading..it is going to be "pure fiction" because otherwise I would just have to describe a i-see-tshirt-wearing-boy-i-fine-him Princi, approx 135 internals, 47 examinations, hysterical i-will-spoil-ur-career lecturers, 3 picnics, 2 november parties and 16 suspensions. We too had our tiny share of fun in the form of lecturers – whether ever- gazing-out-of-the-window Vanamala (Ma’m) or wonder-to-mankind KVN(Sir).
Btw interested to co-author ? ;-)
Next, I liked FPS better. Will jot down the thoughts/reasons if possible and get back to you.
>> 'male' student's lingo
?? A boy's book will have boy's language!
In our class it was different no? It was you [and your gang] who did all naming ceremonies!
Lastly, I guess it is time now for a girl to come out with a frank novel of her college/hostel life. We have heard enough from frank boys, no? Though it would be difficult to guess what can one expect from such a novel given that girls have various issues and activities unlike boys’ [whose novels were mostly filled with girls, flunking and booze]. I used to read a coloumn in newspaper by a girl in hostel – one whole coloumn used to be filled with bizarre stuff[but i used to like it] like once she only spoke about the growth and development of the tree [and some events related to it] she saw from her window.
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